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(韶关市第五中学,广东 韶关 512026)

摘  要:信息技术已成为人类生活,工作和学习的必备条件,其应用带给我们诸多的便利和好处。可以说信息技术已成为学习其他科目的基础,把信息技术与教学相结合已成为普遍的教学模式,影响信息技术教学的因素有很多,如对信息技术的理解不完整,教师与学生之间知识水平存在偏差,学生知识水平参差不齐。在这种情况下,要丰富教学策略和手段,提高信息技术的教学水平,就要不断优化课堂结构,充分调动学生的学习热情。


中图分类号:G633.67        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0124-03

Effective Strategies for Information Technology Classroom Teaching in Senior High School

QIU Guilan

(Shaoguan No.5 Middle School,Shaoguan 512026,China)

Abstract:Information technology has become a necessary condition for human life,work and learning. Its application brings us many conveniences and benefits. It can be said that information technology has become the basis of learning other subjects,and the combination of information technology and teaching has become a common teaching mode. There are many factors affecting information technology teaching,such as incomplete understanding of information technology,deviation of knowledge level between teachers and students, and uneven knowledge level of students. In this case,in order to enrich teaching strategies and means and improve the teaching level of information technology,we must constantly optimize the classroom structure and fully mobilize students’enthusiasm for learning.

Keywords:high school classroom;information technology;teaching strategy


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作者简介:邱桂兰(1986.08-),女,汉族,广东韶关人, 毕业于湛江师范学院,计算机科学与技术(师范),教师,本科, 研究方向:信息技术教学。