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(江苏省政府办公厅,江苏 南京 210024)

摘  要:目前计算机技术已经被广泛应用于各个领域,并且均获得了良好的反响。在当前每个人的工作量不断提升的背景下,利用计算机可以很有效地将工作变得简单,间接地提高了使用者完成自己工作的速度,并且可以避免一些人为因素导致工作中出现的错误。因此,在工作中应用这项技术可以起到很好的辅助作用,在减少人力资源投入方面有着很好的效果,而网络办公自动化就是其在实际办公中的一种应用,并且目前已经成为了一个热门的话题。


中图分类号:TP317.1        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0133-03

Development and Analysis of Network Office Automation System

HE Wei

(Jiangsu Provincial Government Office,Nanjing 210024,China)

Abstract:At present,computer technology has been widely used in various fields,and has received good response. In the current environment where everyone’s workload is constantly increasing,the use of computers can effectively simplify the work,indirectly improve the speed of users to complete their work,and can avoid some human factors leading to errors in the work. Therefore,the application of this technology in the work can play a very good supporting role,in reducing human resources investment has a very good effect,and network office automation is one of its applications in the actual office and has become a hot topic.

Keywords:network office automation;network collaboration;stand-alone office


[1] 张大斌,李玉海,陈绪君. 数字化校园的办公自动化系统开发研究 [J]. 现代教育技术,2005,15(1):69-72+66.

[2] 张新长,杨大勇. 基于集成技术的办公自动化信息系统开发与研究 [J]. 中山大学学报(自然科学版),2002(S1):138-140.

作者简介:何卫(1968.02-),男,汉族,上海人,技师, 研究方向:计算机信息处理。