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(四川职业技术学院 计算机科学系,四川 遂宁 629000)

摘  要:随着网络技术的逐步发展,我国逐渐步入信息化社会。在信息化背景下,我国诸多行业都在开展信息化改革。职业学校作为社会各行各业人才的主要储备场所,在职业教育中,对于学生计算机应用能力的重视度不断加强。然而,由于现有技术条件的落后,导致许多职业院校在教学实践中面临许多问题。本文结合我国信息化时代背景下职业院校计算机教学现状,探索了计算机教学的优化策略。


中图分类号:TP3-4;G712        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)01-0145-02

The Current Situation and Development Direction of Computer Teaching under theBackground of Informatization


(Department of Computer Science,Sichuan Vocational and Technical College,Suining 629000,China)

Abstract:With the gradual development of network technology,China has gradually entered the information society. Under the background of informatization,many industries in China are carrying out informatization reform. Vocational schools as the main reserve places for talents from all walks of life,pay more attention to students'computer application ability in vocational education. However, due to the backward technical conditions,many vocational colleges are facing many problems in teaching practice. This paper combines the current situation of computer teaching in vocational colleges under the background of information age,and explores the optimization strategy of computer teaching.

Keywords:informatization;computer teaching;teaching reform


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作者简介:王睿(1971-),男,汉族,四川遂宁人,讲师,硕士, 研究方向:计算机图形图像。