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(石家庄邮电职业技术学院,河北 石家庄 050021)

摘  要:微信公众号已经广泛应用于各领域,高校图书馆也顺应时代发展,将其应用于图书馆服务。本文简要介绍了微信公众平台,从使用成本、便捷性、拓展服务内容三个方面,阐述了高校图书馆建立微信公众号的意义;从开展用户需求分析、选择合适的公众号类型两个方面,分析了建立微信公众号的前期准备工作;并着重探讨了图书馆微信服务平台实现我的图书馆、公告读者留言、阅读推广、电子资源、读者咨询五个模块的主要功能。


中图法分类号:G252         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0116-03

Discussion on the Construction of Wechat Public Number in University Library
GUO Huishuang,LI Jidong
(Shijiazhuang Posts and Telecommunications Technical College,Shijiazhuang 050021,China)

Abstract:WeChat public number has been widely used in various fields,and university libraries also adapt to the development of the times and apply it to library services. This paper briefly introduces the WeChat public platform;expounds the significance of establishing WeChat public number in university libraries from three aspects of using cost,convenience and expanding service content and expounds the significance of establishing Wechat public number in university libraries. This paper analyses the preparatory work for the establishment of Wechat public number from two aspects of user demand analysis and selection of appropriate public number types,and emphatically probes into the main functions of the library Wechat service platform in five modules:library,announcement reader message,reading promotion,electronic resources and reader consultation.

Keywordsuniversity library;WeChat public number;reader service;platform construction


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