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BIM 技术在建筑工程专业教学中的推广分析

摘  要:在社会经济水平和科技的快速发展背景下,教育工作所涉及的科学技术水平也越来越高。而就我国建筑工程专业的教学来看,在教学改革工作开展的过程中,其专业教学取得了不错的成绩,但也存在一定的不足,最为显著的就是建筑工程由于其工程规模大、难度高且环境复杂的特点,难以实现对学生的实践教学,而BIM 技术的推广和应用使得这一不足得到了有效的解决。

关键词:BIM 技术;建筑工程专业;教学推广

中图分类号:TP393-4;G642         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0123-03

Analysis of the Popularization of BIM Technology in Architectural Engineering Teaching
PAN Yijun
(Zhejiang GuangSha College,Dongyang 322100,China)

Abstract:Under the background of the rapid development of social economy and science and technology,the level of science and technology involved in education is becoming higher and higher. As far as the teaching of architectural engineering major in China is concerned,its professional teaching has achieved good results in the process of teaching reform,but there are still some shortcomings. The most remarkable thing is that it is difficult to realize the practical teaching of students because of its large-scale,high-difficulty and complex environment. The popularization and application of BIM technology have effectively solved this shortcoming.

Keywords:BIM technology;architectural engineering major;teaching promotion


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