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基于FTP 的教学资源平台建设研究——以内蒙古大学满洲里学院为例
(1. 满洲里俄语职业学院,内蒙古 满洲里 021400;2. 内蒙古大学满洲里学院,内蒙古 满洲里 021400)

摘  要:本文针对高校教学管理中存在教学资源难以整合,学生的电子作业不便于管理等问题,利用FTP 服务器软件简单、方便和管理容易等技术特点,围绕高校教学机制特性,研究设计基于FTP 的内蒙古大学满洲里学院教学资源平台,该校的教学资源平台由用户层、文件夹层和教学资源层组成,并详细地描绘了用户层、文件夹层和教学资源层的结构关系。校内教学资源平台能够为我院教师和学生提供方便,实现共享课程资源的目的。


中图分类号:TP393.093         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0121-03

Research on the Construction of Teaching Resources Platform Based on FTP
——Take Manzhouli College of Inner Mongolia University as an Example
YAO Kun1,2
(1.Manzhouli Russian Vocational College,Manzhouli 021400,China;
2. Manzhouli College of Inner Mongolia University,Manzhouli 021400,China)

Abstract:In view of the problems of difficult integration of teaching resources and inconvenient management of students’electronic homework in university teaching management,this paper studies and designs a teaching resource platform of Manzhouli College of Inner Mongolia University based on FTP,which is composed of user layer and folder layer,using the technical characteristics of FTP server software such as simplicity,convenience and easy management. It is composed of teaching resource layer and user layer,folder layer and teaching resource layer. In-school teaching resources platform can provide convenience for teachers and students and realize the purpose of sharing curriculum resources.

Keywords:FTP;Serv-U;teaching resources platform


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