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(浙江省立同德医院,浙江 杭州 310012)

摘  要:随着社会经济的迅速发展,科技水平也在不断进步,现阶段已进入网络化时代,在这一发展形势下,各行各业都意识到了应用网络技术的优势,并将其应用到各项管理工作中,以提高管理效率。而本文则主要针对医院综合档案管理的相关问题进行探讨,并提出了相应的参考意见,以供相关研究借鉴。


中图分类号:G270.7;R197.32         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0131-03

Analysis of Hospital Comprehensive Archives Management in the Era of “Internet Plus”
XU Yan,XU Liqin
(Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province,Hangzhou 310012,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of social economy,the level of science and technology is also progressing. At this stage,it has entered the era of network. Under this development situation,all walks of life are aware of the advantages of the application of network technology and apply it to various management work to improve management efficiency. This paper mainly discusses the related problems of hospital comprehensive archives management,and puts forward corresponding reference opinions,in order to provide reference for related research.

Keywords:internet plus;electronic archives;archives management


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