摘 要:互联网的出现改变了一个时代,大数据的出现改变了信息。在今天,没有什么人或什么事是跟网络、数据无关的。可以说数据流如同一条“生命之河”无声无息的影响着每一个人的生活轨迹。而高职教育,作为教育行业中不可或缺的一个环节,对人才的培养,技术的发展,社会的进步一直有着重要的贡献力量。社会风向标的转变使得教育活动也随之而变,如何在今天大数据的冲击下做好高职教育中计算机专业的教学活动成为教育改革中一个重要的研究课题。
中图分类号:G712;TP3-4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)02-0136-03
Research on Computer Teaching of Higher Vocational Students Based on Big Data
(Chongqing Information Technology College,Chongqing 404000,China)
Abstract:The emergence of the internet has changed an era,and the emergence of big data has changed information. Nowadays,nobody or anything has nothing to do with the network or data. It can be said that data flow is like a“river of life”silently affecting everyone’s life. Higher vocational education as an indispensable part of the education industry has always made an important contribution to the training of talents,the development of technology and the progress of society. The change of social vane makes the educational activities change accordingly. How to improve the teaching activities of computer specialty in higher vocational education under the impact of big data has become an important research topic in the educational reform.
Keywords:big data;computer in higher vocational colleges;reform in education
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