摘 要:高职院校公寓管理工作历来是学生管理的重要组成部分。在现有校园网信息平台上建立一套基于一卡通系统的学生公寓门禁系统,不仅技术可行,而且可以节省大量资源。结合高职院校学生管理工作,从需求分析、系统硬件架构、系统软件功能划分等方面,描述了公寓管理信息化的设计与实现。
中图分类号:TP271;TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0018-03
The Design and Implementation of Informatization of Apartment Management in Higher Vocational Colleges
LIU Zhijun
(Hebei Institute of Machinery Electricity,Xingtai 054000,China)
Abstract:The management of apartments in higher vocational colleges has always been an important part of the management of students. On the existing campus network information platform,a set of student apartment access control system based on one card system is established,which is not only feasible in technology,but also can save a lot of resources. Combined with the student management in higher vocational colleges,the design and implementation of apartment management information is described from the aspects of requirement analysis,system hardware structure and system software function partition.
Keywords:apartment management;entrance guard system;student attendance;higher vocational colleges
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作者简介:刘志军(1971.06 -),男,汉族,河北邢台人,计算机信息工程系副主任,教授,工程硕士,研究方向:计算机网络,数据库技术。