摘 要:检验检测行业是关系国计民生的基础性行业,而检验检测归根到底是一种服务,针对如何让这种服务更加高效、准确的服务于政府、企业机构和社会大众,本文提出了基于大数据的检验检测公共服务平台的设计,旨在通过该平台促使检验检测行业提升自身的服务能力,并促进自身检验检测能力的提升。
中图分类号:TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0001-05
Design of Public Service Platform for Inspection of Shandong Province Based on Big Data
WU Xinghui,ZHANG Dong,WANG Guangxin,Geng Hongwei,FANG Lizhen
(Shandong Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision Information Center,Ji’nan 250002,China)
Abstract:The inspection industry is the basis of the relationship between the inspection and beneficial to the people's livelihood industry,after all is a kind of service,in order to make the service more efficient and accurate service to the government,enterprises and public institutions,this paper puts forward a design of public inspection service platform based on the data,through the platform to enhance the inspection industry its service ability,and promote their own inspection ability.
Keyword:inspection;big data;inspection service platform
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作者简介:吴行惠(1959 -),男,浙江宁波人,硕士研究生, 高级工程师,研究方向:信息化技术。