摘 要:在物业管理过程中,门禁系统作为业主、住户们出入小区的安全保障设施,在维护业主、住户的生命和财产安全方面起到重要的作用。特别是小汽车成为人们主要的交通工具,无形中增加了物业门禁管理的难度。本文通过物业门禁车牌识别系统技术应用的引入,围绕物业将车牌识别系统技术融入到管理过程中,以逐渐形成一个完善、信息化的门禁管理体系,以此促进物业管理效率的提升。
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0032-03
Research and Application of License Plate Recognition System for Property Access Control
CHEN Xipeng
(School of Chemistry &Chemical Engineering,Anhui University,Hefei 230601,China)
Abstract:In the process of property management,access control system as owners and households enter the security facilities of the community,and play an important role in safeguarding the safety of owners and households. In particular,cars have become the main means of transportation,and the difficulty in the management of property access has been increased invisibly. Through the introduction of the technology application of the property access control license plate recognition system,the license plate recognition system technology is integrated into the management process around the property,so as to gradually form a perfect and information-based access control management system,so as to improve the efficiency of the property management.
Keywords:property management; entrance guard method;license plate recognition;system technology
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作者简介:陈希鹏(1997.08 -),男,福建泉州人,退役军人,安徽大学化学系17 级本科在读,2018 年毕业于天津大学,计算机网络技术专业,研究方向:计算机及其应用,智能化网络工程技术,机电设备系统工程管理,科技管理(安全管理),质量管理。