摘 要:从单片机到ARM,从智能手机到工业4.0 物联网,嵌入式的开发技术、应用在这10 年间日新月异,嵌入式系统得到了广泛的应用。越来越多的程序员参与到嵌入式的开发中,而由于C 语言本身的特点,同时具有高级语言及低级语言的特性,成为众多嵌入式应用开发的选择。因此本文通过对嵌入式系统的分析理解,结合C 语言的特性,根据实践工作中的相关经验,对嵌入式C 程序设计优化及应用进行探索分析,帮助开发人员提升程序开发、执行效率。
关键词:嵌入式;C 语言;优化;开发与应用
中图分类号:TP312.1;TP368.11 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0035-02
The Exploration and Analysis on the Optimization and Application of Embedded C Program Design
CAI Zepeng
(FuTaiHua Industry(ShenZhen)CO.,LTD.,ShenZhen 518110,China)
Abstract:From MCU to ARM,from smart phone to industrial 4 internet of things,embedded development technology and application has been changing rapidly in the past 10 years.The embedded system has been widely applied.More and more programmers are involved in the development of embedded system,and because of the characteristics of C language and the characteristics of highlevel language and low-level language,it has become the choice of many embedded application development. Therefore,by analyzing and understanding the embedded system,combining the characteristics of C language,and exploring the analysis and optimization of embedded C programming optimization,we can help developers improve the efficiency of program development and execution.
Keywords:embedded;C language;optimization;development and application
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作者简介:蔡泽鹏(1985 -),男,汉族,广东人,技术课长,助理工程师,学士,研究方向:嵌入式开发。