摘 要:在大数据快速发展的今天,Python 丰富的工具包在科学计算、文件处理、数据可视化等领域越来越凸显其价值。能够发现数据、清洗数据,并使用正确的工具实现数据可视化至关重要。本文叙述了Python 软件第三方库的安装和绘图工具的应用,并利用Numpy 和Matplotlib 库进行数据可视化,分析大学生通识能力情况,通过实践展示了Python 库的强大功能和使用步骤,为学习数据可视化的读者提供参考。
中图分类号:TP391.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0030-03
Data Visualization Based on Python
YANG Kaili1,SHAN Meijuan2
(1.North Electro Optic Co.,Ltd.,Xi’an 710043,China;2. Xi’an Eurasia University,Xi’an 710065,China)
Abstract:With the rapid development of big data,Python’s rich toolkits are becoming more and more valuable in the fields of scientific computing,file processing,data visualization and so on. It is essential to be able to discover,clean and visualize data using the right tools. This paper describes the installation of the third library of Python software and the application of drawing tools,and uses Numpy and Matplotlib libraries for data visualization,analyses the general knowledge ability of college students, and demonstrates the powerful functions and using steps of Python library through practice,which provides a reference for the readers who study data visualization.
Keywords:Python;data visualization;data analysis;third-party library
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