摘 要:大数据时代的到来迫使警务工作向着智慧警务模式变革,理解与掌握智慧警务数据获取与分析新技术及应用,及时改变警务工作方式、提升警务数据分析能力,是智慧警务对每个当代警察的要求,是成为适应快速变化的数字化环境中合格警务工作者的必走之路。
中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)05-0032-03
Talking about Intelligent Police Data Acquisition and Analysis
(Railway Police College,Zhengzhou 450053,China)
Abstract:The arrival of the era of big data forces the police work to change to the mode of intelligent policing. Understanding and mastering the new technology and application of intelligent policing data acquisition and analysis,changing the policing working mode in time and improving the ability of policing data analysis are the requirements of intelligent policing for every contemporary policeman and the only way for qualified policing workers to adapt to the fast changing digital environment.
Keywords:smart policing;data analysis;digital policing work
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作者简介:庄海燕(1976-),女,汉族,河南南阳人,副教授, 硕士,研究方向:信息安全、电子数据取证与分析。