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(广州医科大学 外语部,广东 广州 511436)

摘  要:本研究从教学实践出发,针对形成性测试,提出一种可应用于教学的实证模型。该模型以贝叶斯方法为指导,结合先验概率和后验概率对教学行为的结果做出统计评估。该模型相应的统计数据来源于日常测试。统计指标是所谓的吸收概率指标,它由测试的难度系数转化而来。在统计推断过程中,还有效地结合了矩阵处理。该统计模型,可行性和操作性强,为大量的教学研究提供了思路和工具。本研究以医学英语影视化词汇教学课堂为例,以该模型为工具展开了实证研究。


中图分类号:TP3-05;TP274         文献标识码:A          文章编号:2096-4706(2019)06-0024-03

An Empirical Model of Formative Assessment of Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
Based on Medical Film and Television Media
LI Tianyi,FU Hongbo,WU Di
(Foreign Language Department of Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 511436,China)

Abstract:Based on teaching practice and formative testing,this study proposes an empirical model which can be applied to teaching. Under the guidance of Bayesian method,the model makes statistical evaluation of the results of teaching behavior by combining the prior probability and the posterior probability.The corresponding statistical data of the model are derived from daily tests. Statistical indicators are so-called absorption probability indicators,which are transformed from the difficulty coefficient of the test.In the process of statistical inference,matrix processing is also effectively combined. The statistical model has strong feasibility and operability,and can provide ideas and tools for a large number of teaching research. This study takes the medical English film-based vocabulary teaching classroom as an example,and carries out an empirical study with the model as a tool.

Keywords:formative test;statistical model;medical English vocabulary teaching


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