摘 要:临床研究发现动态心电图监测(Dynamic electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring)效果明显优于传统静态心电图监测,随着人们对医疗保健的重视,医疗保健和健康监测平台将产生大量的监测数据。传统的健康监测技术不能有效的对这些收集的大数据进行管理和分析。针对这些问题,本文提出了一种基于云平台的动态心电监护分析系统。首先,利用数据采集传感器采集动态心电信号与心跳数据,然后,传感器通过蓝牙技术将收集到的数据发送给终端,终端再将数据发送到云存储平台进行存储。该云平台采用分层服务建立的建模框架,而云存储是由数据库存储(MySQL)和分布式文件系统存(HDFS)所组成的。该系统可以让用户更好的了解自己身体状况,达到疾病监测的目的。
中图分类号:TH77;TP393.09 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0037-02
Research on Dynamic ECG Monitoring System Based on Cloud Technology
YAN Xilan,XIE Jingming
(Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic School of Information Engineering,Guangzhou 511485,China)
Abstract:Clinical studies showed that the dynamic electrocardiogram(Dynamic electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring)is obviously superior to the traditional static ECG monitoring,as people focus on health care,health care and health monitoring platform will have a large number of monitoring data.The traditional health monitoring technology can not effectively manage and analyze the large data collected. To solve these problems,a dynamic ECG monitoring and analysis system based on cloud platform is proposed in this paper. First,data acquisition sensors are used to collect the dynamic ECG and heartbeat data. Then,the sensor sends the collected data to the terminal through Bluetooth technology,and the terminal sends the data to the cloud storage platform for storage. The cloud platform is modeled by hierarchical services,while cloud storage is composed of database storage( MySQL)and distributed file system storage( HDFS).The system can make users better understand their own physical condition and achieve the purpose of disease monitoring.
Keywords:dynamic electrocardiogram;health care;Hadoop;cloud platform;smart phone
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作者简介:晏细兰(1985.09 -), 女, 汉族, 江西南昌人,中级讲师,硕士,研究方向:图像处理,智能算法;谢景明(1977.05 -),广东湛江人,汉族,研究方向:移动互联网开发,游戏引擎技术。