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(江西财经大学,江西 南昌 330013)

摘  要:随着Web2.0 时代的到来,如何将爬虫技术下沉运用到社交个人信息的筛选、抽取、组合、分析中,最后得出有助于个人网络社交形象的塑造和社交电商营销的分析报告,成为人们关注的重要问题。通过OAuth2.0 技术,可以实现经过用户授权的各类信息的获取。这一技术是实现社群经营指标分析的基础。通过有效的系统设计,我们可以通过系统生成出各种各样的对比分析图,用于帮助人们建立更好的、竞争力更强的社交形象,提升发布内容质量,进一步激发用户的自我提升能力。除此之外,该技术还可以应用于电商品牌的塑造和影响力的生成,也可以用于自媒体运营和发布内容的分析、知识共享平台中对用户提供指导参考等等。


中图分类号:TP311         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)08-0023-02

Application of Crawler Technology in Social Image Orientation and Shaping
LI Yawei
(Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China)

Abstract:With the advent of Web2.0,how to apply crawler technology to the screening,extraction,combination and analysis of social personal information,and finally draw an analysis report that is conducive to the building of personal network social image and social e-commerce marketing,has become an important issue of concern to people. Through OAuth2.0 technology,all kinds of information obtained through user authorization can be realized. This technology is the basis of community management index analysis. Through effective system design,we can generate a variety of comparative analysis charts through the system to help people build a better and more competitive social image,improve the quality of published content,and further stimulate the self-improvement ability of users. In addition,this technology can not only be used to shape and influence e-commerce brands,but also can be used for the analysis of We-Media operation and published content,to provide guidance and reference for users in the knowledge sharing platform,and so on.

Keywords:crawler technology;operation management;social image positioning and shaping


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