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(上海核工程研究设计院有限公司,上海 200233)

摘  要:为支持国家重大科技专项大型先进压水堆核电站等非能动核电的研发与设计,设计实现大型非能动核电软件计算平台是比较紧迫的任务。本文结合非能动核电燃料和堆芯设计软件系统平台的现状,利用LSF 集群计算技术,设计了一套高性能计算平台,实现了统一入口、统一账户、统一数据存储,达到了硬件资源、软件资源和数据资源的高效使用。与商业计算机软件集成不同的是,其需集成的软件数量众多,远远超过一般国家级高性能计算中心的应用软件数量,且该软件为非能动核电专有软件,软件开发方没有为软件的分布式计算提供开放透明的接口,需要逐个探索评测改进软件的集成开发工作,该课题组完成主要软件的集成开发工作,有力地支撑了AP1000 依托项目设计分包项目、CAP1000、CAP1400 等非能动核电的研发与设计工作。


中图分类号:TP311;TP338.8        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0001-05

Design And Implementation of Software Platform for Passive Nuclear Fuel and Core Design

LIU Haiyong

(Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200233,China)

Abstract:In order to support the development and design of large-scale advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) nuclear power plants and other passive nuclear power plants,it is an urgent task to design and implement a large-scale passive nuclear power software computing platform. In this paper,a high performance computing platform is designed based on LSF cluster computing technology,which combines the status of the software platform for passive nuclear fuel and core design. It realizes unified access,unified account and unified data storage,and achieves the efficient use of hardware resources,software resources and data resources. Different from the integration of commercial computer software,the number of software it needs to integrate is large,far exceeding the number of applications in general national high performance computing centers,and the software is proprietary software for passive nuclear power. The software developer does not provide an open and transparent interface for distributed computing of software,so it is necessary to explore and evaluate the integrated development of improved software one by one. Complete the integrated development of main software,strongly support AP1000 relying on project design subcontracting project,CAP1000,CAP1400 and other passive nuclear power research and development and design work.

Keywords:passive nuclear power;computing


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作者简介:刘海永(1981-),男,汉族,河南柘城人,工程师, 硕士,研究方向:信息系统、高性能计算和云计算。