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基于CiteSpace 的图书馆资源共享现状分析
(川北医学院,四川 南充 637100)

摘  要:随着大数据时代的到来,通过数据分析来引导图书馆的工作改进与创新是当前图书馆工作中的一个趋势。资源共享作为本次研究研究工作的重点,通过检索中国知网(CNKI)2003-2017 年间,以文献分类为“图书情报与数字图书馆”,主题词为“资源共享”,刊发在“核心期刊”上的文献为研究数据,利用CiteSpace 软件对数据的国内的研究现状和发展轨迹进行可视化分析,通过产生的知识图谱来揭示该研究方向的内涵与延伸,为了解研究现状提供非常直观的参考。


中图分类号:G250.73        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0008-04

Analysis of the Current Situation of Library Resource Sharing Based on CiteSpace

LAN Ying,XIAO Shibo,YANG Yumei

(North Sichuan Medical College,Nanchong 637100,China)

Abstract:With the arrival of the era of big data,it is a trend in library work to guide the improvement and innovation of library work through data analysis. As the focus of this research,resource sharing is searched by CNKI from 2003 to 2017,and taking the literature classified as“ library information and digital library”,the subject word is“ resource sharing”,and the literature published in“ core journals” as the research data,this paper uses CiteSpace software to visualize the research status and development trajectory of the data in China,reveals the connotation and extension of the research direction through the knowledge map generated,in order to understand the current situation of research and provide a very intuitive reference..

Keywords:library;resource sharing;visualization;CiteSpace;knowledge graph


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