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基于VISSIM 下微观交通仿真模型参数校正分析
(西安培华学院 智能科学与信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710125)

摘  要:如何对微观交通仿真模型参数进行校正和选择合适的校正算法,决定仿真结果质量。本文重点分析微观交通仿真模型、校正指标选取和模型校正算法,详细分析了跟驰模型和换道模型的重要参数,具体阐述了如何选取校正评价指标和待校正参数,从而保证校正后仿真模型的精度和仿真结构的可靠性。


中图分类号:U491.123        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0005-03

Parameter Correction Analysis of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Model Based on VISSIM

HU Yan,FAN Yayun,ZHANG Xiaowei

(Xi’an Peihua University,School of Intelligent Science and Information Engineering,Xi’an 710125,China)

Abstract:How to correct the parameters of microscopic traffic simulation model and select the appropriate correction algorithm determines the quality of simulation results. This paper focuses on the analysis of microscopic traffic simulation model,correction index selection and model correction algorithm,and analyzes the important parameters of the car-following model and the lane-changing model in detail,and how to select the calibration evaluation index and the parameters to be calibrated is expounded in detail,so as to ensure the accuracy of the calibrated simulation model and the reliability of the simulation structure.

Keywords:VISSIM;simulation model;parameter correction;microscopic simulation


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作者简介:胡艳(1984.01-),女,汉族,河南驻马店人,讲师, 研究生,研究方向:智能信息。