摘 要:垃圾围城在中国城市已经成为普遍现象,在“互联网+”时代的今天,我们应通过“互联网+”去改变这种现象。本文主要对现代的废品回收背景、现状进行分析,以及对基于手机APP 的智能资源回收平台的重要性和可行性进行介绍,对资源回收手机APP 的设计思路以及优势进行分析阐述。
中图分类号:TP311.56;X705 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0017-02
Talking about How to Realize the Combination of Mobile App and Resource Recovery Platform
ZHAO Liang,HAO Pingping
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:The phenomenon of garbage siege has become a common phenomenon in Chinese cities. In the era of “internet plus”, we should change this phenomenon through the “internet plus”. This paper mainly analyses the background and current situation of modern waste recycling,and introduces the importance and feasibility of smart resource recycling platform based on mobile APP. The design ideas and advantages of mobile APP for resource recycling are analyzed and expounded.
Keywords:mobile APP;environmental protection and energy saving;waste resources;recycling platform
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