摘 要:为助力医院入院准备中心为患者提供更加优质的服务,改进医院就医流程。本文进行了信息系统功能设计,改造医院现有的信息系统流程,同时开发入院准备中心信息系统。最终建立起符合入院准备中心工作流程的信息系统,通过一年多的稳定运行,改造后的系统可满足入院准备中心的实际工作需要。
中图分类号:TP311.52;R197.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0019-02
Design of Information System Function in Hospital Preparatory Center
WEN Congde
(Zhejiang Cancer Hospital,Hangzhou 310022,China)
Abstract:To assist hospital admission preparation center to provide better service for patients and improve hospital medical treatment process. This paper designs the function of information system,reforms the current information system flow of hospital,and develops the information system of admission preparation center. Finally,an information system is established to meet the work flow of the admission preparation center. After more than one year’s stable operation,the reformed system can meet the actual work needs of the admission preparation center.
Keywords:process design;admission preparation;transfer to ward
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作者简介:温从德(1982.08-),男,汉族,浙江苍南人, 工程师,本科,工程硕士,研究方向:医疗信息化。