摘 要:目前,随着我国互联网技术的不断发展,我国的图书阅读方式和资源也发生着重要的变化。目前,在智能化的手机和平板电脑等各种移动终端的大量普及和应用下,在线阅读和电子书等成为当下人们最流行的阅读方式。在这种网络化的社会背景下,网络数字阅读和数字文化资源在人类生活中占据着重要的角色,并对传统的依靠书本和纸张的阅读方式带来了巨大挑战。数字文化资源随着科学技术的发展不断更新和进步,网络数字阅读模式和数字文化资源也在不断地更新和进步。但同时,这种现状也会存在很多弊端和不利的因素。因此,我们要认真地分析在推广和利用过程中,网络数字阅读和数字文化资源的特点并提出实施措施,为网络数字阅读和数字文化资源的推广和利用制定完善的措施和解决方法,从而推进我国的阅读数字化模式健康稳定的发展。
中图分类号:G252.17;G250.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)09-0023-02
Network Digital Reading and the Promotion and Utilization of Digital Cultural Resources
LIN Yicai
(Anxi County Zhaotao Library,Quanzhou 362400,China)
Abstract:At present,with the continuous development of internet technology in our country,the way of reading books and resources in our country have also undergone important changes. At present,with the popularization and application of various mobile terminals,such as smart phones and tablets,online reading and e-books have become the most popular reading methods. In this networked social background,network digital reading and digital cultural resources play an important role in human life,and bring great challenges to the traditional way of reading on books and paper. With the development of science and technology,digital cultural resources are constantly updated and improved. The network digital reading mode and digital cultural resources are also constantly updated and improved. But at the same time,there are many disadvantages and disadvantages in this situation. Therefore,we should carefully analyze the characteristics of digital reading and digital cultural resources in the process of promotion and utilization, and put forward the implementation measures,and formulate perfect measures and solutions for the promotion and utilization of digital reading and digital cultural resources,so as to promote the healthy and stable development of digital reading mode in China.
Keywords:network digital reading;digital cultural resources;digital reading
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作者简介:林艺彩(1977.06-),女,汉族,福建安溪人, 活动部主任,九级职员,本科,研究方向:公共图书馆建设、服务 与创新。