摘 要:本文基于人口发展模型以及Leslie 模型分析人口年龄分布和语言发展的关系,提出了语言年龄比例函数,使用阻滞增长模型预测语言传播率,得到了计算语言使用者总量和年龄分布的语言发展模型。选取杭州市统计局统计年鉴数据,使用C++ 进行编程,预测2020 年至2035 年的人口语言分布。预测结果表示二孩开放的政策使未来杭州的15-64 岁年龄段普通话使用者占比明显提高,并且劳动人口抚养压力减缓,对于杭州的城市发展是有利的。另外,我们发现未来1-15 岁人口数量与未开放二孩时相比会出现上升的情况,而杭州未来希望推广国际化教育,这提醒杭州政府要对未来的教育人才储备做出计划。
关键词:人口发展模型;阻滞增长;Leslie 模型;全面二孩政策
中图分类号:O242.1;C924.24 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)10-0001-05
Prediction of Population Language Distribution Based on Leslie Model
CAI Yinhui1,LI Shujin1,CHI Jiaying2
(1.Hangzhou Dianzi University,College of Economics,Hangzhou 310018,China;
2.Hangzhou Dianzi University,Zhuoyue Honors College,Hangzhou 310018,China)
Abstract:Based on the population development model and Leslie model,this paper analyzes the relationship between population age distribution and language development,proposes a proportional function of language age,uses logistic growth model to predict language transmission rate,and obtains a language development model to calculate the total number of language users and age distribution. The statistical yearbook data of Hangzhou Statistical Bureau are selected and programmed with C++ to predict the distribution of spoken language between 2020 and 2035. The predicted results show that the two-child policy will significantly increase the proportion of mandarin speakers aged 15-64 years in Hangzhou in the future,which is beneficial to the urban development of hangzhou. In addition,we find that the number of people aged 1-15 will increase in the future compared with the second child. Hangzhou hopes to promote international education in the future,which reminds the Hangzhou government to make plans for the fut ure education talent reserve.
Keywords:population development model;logistic growth;Leslie model;comprehensive two-child policy
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