摘 要::“互联网青年”是伴随互联网成长起来的新一代年轻群体。他们既深入介入网络社会,也受到互联网全方位的影响,正逐渐成为我国网络行为主体。该群体基数大、人数多、活跃度高,价值观呈现多元化、开放化、多维化趋势,其网络行为展现出诸多新特点、新动向,给国家安全和社会安全稳定带来一定的影响和冲击。习近平总书记指出,青年是“标志时代的最灵敏的 晴雨表”,“青年的价值取向决定了未来整个社会的价值取向”。未来需高度重视互联网青年群体的思想动向和教育引导工作,进一步增强社会主义核心价值观在青年群体中的凝聚力和引领力,切实提升主流意识形态在网络舆论场的存在感和话语权,使广大青年网民成为国家和社会发展进步的稳定力量。
中图分类号:D669.5;C913.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0015-03
Analysis of the Characteristics of “Internet Youth” Group andIts Impact on National Security
HU Ying1,WANG Zhaowei2
(1.Jiangxi Branch Center of National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China,Nanchang330038,China;2.National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center of China,Beijing 100029,China)
Abstract:“Internet youth” is a new generation of young people growing up with the internet. They are not only deeply involvedin the network society,but also fully influenced by the internet. And now,they have gradually been the mainstay of the network society.With an immense population base,high participation and multi-variant,open and multi-dimensional values,the group shows lots offeatures and trends,which are to some extent adversely affecting China's security and stability. President Xi Jinping said “the youth isoften barometers of the age” “the value orientation of youth determines the future value orientation of the whole society”. To make theyouth become a stable force of the development and progress of the state and society,we have to pay close attention to the ideologicaltrends and education of the “Internet youth”,further enhance the core values of Chinese socialisms,and effectively foster the existenceand discourse power of the mainstream ideology in future.
Keywords:internet youth;behavioral characteristics;populism;the core values of Chinese socialism;national security
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