摘 要:智慧养老是破解老龄化带来的养老难题的主要解决方案,而养老大数据是智慧养老的核心。本文开发的老年人健康信息管理系统着眼于养老大数据的采集、管理和利用,为智慧养老提供有力的数据支撑。
中图分类号:TP311.52;R197.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0018-03
The Development of the Health Information Management System for the Elderly
LI Dawei
(Chengde Petroleum College,Chengde 067000,China)
Abstract:Intelligent pension is the main solution to solve the problem of aging,and pension large data is the core of intelligentpension. The elderly health information management system developed in this paper focuses on the collection,management and utilizationof large data for the elderly,providing a strong data support for intelligent pension.
Keywords:intelligent pension;information management;large data;system development
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