摘 要:在当前社会中,网络与人的工作、生活息息相关其从各个方面对人的工作和生活产生影响。尤其与人的工作、生活息息相关。本文意在唤起人们对网络对人发展的影响的重视,促使人们能够合理运用网络,本文从以下几个方面剖析网络带给人们的影响。
中图分类号:G635.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0025-02
Analysis of the Impact of Internet on Human Development
(Beijing Cyber Cloud Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100078,China)
Abstract:In the current society,the network is closely related to people’s work and life,and it has an impact on people’swork and life from all aspects. Especially, it is closely related to people’s work and life. The purpose of this paper is to arouse people’sattention to the impact of the network on human development,so that people can use the network rationally. This paper analyzes theimpact of the network on people from the following aspects.
Keywords:network influence on human;virtual social relationship;virtual network
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