摘 要:本文提到的系统首先对图片进行预处理,消除水印等图片噪声,将图像二值化。CTPN 利用同一文本线的字符可以互用上下文的特点,降低了检测难度。DenseNet 在ResNet 的基础上进行改进,减少了参数,改善了神经网络的性能。使用CTPN 进行文本检测,使用DenseNet 和CTC 进行文本识别,获得了较高的准确率。
中图分类号:TP393.09;TP311.13 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)11-0027-02
Research and Implementation of Online Business Information Extraction SystemBased on CTPN
JIN Zhenwei
(Ningxia University,School of Information Engineering,Yinchuan 750021,China)
Abstract:The system mentioned in this paper firstly preprocesses the image,eliminates the image noise such as watermark,andbinarizes the image. CTPN can reduce the difficulty of detection by using the characters of the same text line. DenseNet is improved on thebasis of ResNet,which reduces parameters and improves the performance of neural network. CTPN is used for text detection DenseNetand CTC are used for text recognition,and higher accuracy is obtained.
Keywords:detect text;recognize text;CTPN
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