摘 要:近年来,易流态货物海上运输船倾覆和搁浅事故时有发生,并造成了较为严重的人员伤亡和财产损失。本文基于2005-2015 年间易流态货物运输船倾覆和搁浅事故案例,采用贝叶斯理论建立起易流态货物运输船倾覆和搁浅事故贝叶斯网络,经过推理计算得到易流态货物运输船事故发生因果关系的概率分布以及最大致因链。研究成果对易流态货物海运事故的预防提供了有力参考。
中图分类号:TP183 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0001-04
Analysis of Cause for Overturning / Grounding Accident for Transports ofCargoes that May Liquefy Based on Bayesian Networks
HE Yu,ZHANG Jianwei,ZHOU Wenjie,XIONG Hao,WU Tianqi
(School of Port and Transportation Engineering,Zhejiang Ocean University,Zhoushan 316022,China)
Abstract:In recent years,the overturning and grounding accidents for marine transports of cargoes which may liquefy oftenoccur,which have caused serious casualties and property loss. In this paper,based on the overturning and grounding accidents formarine transports of cargoes which may liquefy from 2005 to 2015,it adopted the Bayesian Theory to construct the Bayesian networksfor overturning and grounding accidents for marine transports of cargoes which may liquefy often occur,and then achieved the causalrelationship between the overturning and grounding accidents for marine transports of cargoes which may liquefy and the maximum causalchain by probabilistic distribution. The research results contribute to the prevention of marine accidents for marine transports of cargoeswhich may liquefy.
Keywords:cargoes that may liquefy;ship overturning and grounding;Bayesian network;maximum causal chain
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