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(北京华成智云软件股份有限公司,北京 100070)

摘  要:随着机场飞行区越来越繁忙,迫切需要智慧化、可视化的技术手段,满足飞行区管制运行指挥需要,机场全景可视化系统是大规模实现这一目标的重要途径,是大密度机场提高飞行区运行效率和机场运行效率的必然选择。本文基于全景4K拼接融合和全景视频实景地图的关键技术,最终实现成像无拼接痕迹,多个摄像机严格同步,画面色彩均衡统一,拼缝处无重影、无残缺,让监控人员体验完美的全景视频效果。以融合后的全景视频为底图,通过坐标空间转换关键技术,实现信息挂牌和联动控制业务应用,为飞行区管制运行提供可视化手段。


中图分类号:TP277         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)12-0009-04

Design of Airport Panoramic Visualization System

LI Yongzhi,ZHANG Yanhui

(Beijing Huacheng Zhiyun Software Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100070,China)

Abstract:The airport flight area is becoming busier and busier,and there is an urgent need for intelligent and visualized technicalmeans to meet the needs of control and operation command of the flight area. Airport panoramic visualization system is an important wayto achieve this goal on a large scale,and it is an inevitable choice for dense airports to improve the operation efficiency of the flight areaand the airport operation efficiency. Based on the key technology of panoramic 4K mosaic fusion and panoramic video scene map,thispaper finally realizes the perfect panoramic video effect for the surveillance personnel,which has no mosaic traces,strict synchronizationof multiple cameras,uniform color balance and no ghost or defect at the mosaic. Taking the fused panoramic video as the base image,the key technologies of coordinate space conversion are used to realize the application of information listing and linkage control business,which provides a visual means for the control and operation of the flight area.

Keywords:civil airport;video mosaic and fusion;panoramic visualization


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黎永志(1980.08-),男,汉族,广东佛山人,民航事业部总经理,工程师,有着10 多年电子信息、软件研发经验和民航行业应用研发经验,硕士研究生,研究方向:电子工程;
