摘 要:针对基本的布谷鸟算法在求解流水车间调度问题时存在搜索能力差、收敛速度慢的缺点,提出了一种高斯扰动的布谷鸟搜索算法(GCS)。该算法不仅增加了鸟窝移动的活力,还改善了搜索能力差的情况。仿真实验结果表明,改进的布谷鸟算法在求解流水车间调度问题上具有良好的优化性能,要优于基本的布谷鸟算法。
中图分类号:TP18;TB497 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0018-03
Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Based on Improved Cuckoo Algorithms
GAO Yang,YUN Xiaoyan
(School of Software,Liaoning University of Science and Technology,Anshan 114051,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the shortcomings of the basic cuckoo algorithm in solving flow shop scheduling problems,such as poor search ability and slow convergence speed,a new cuckoo search algorithm based on Gauss perturbation (GCS) is proposed. This algorithm not only increases the vitality of bird’s nest movement,but also improves the poor search ability. The simulation results show that the improved cuckoo algorithm has good optimization performance in solving flow shop scheduling problems,and is superior to the basic cuckoo algorithm.
Keywords:flow shop scheduling problem;Gauss perturbation;search speed
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