摘 要:本文提出一种基于小波包分解与决策树相结合的检测方法对滚子链的磨损状态进行检测。该方法首先使用小波包理论对信号进行n(n=3)层小波分解,提取小波系数,并根据系数求解各个频段的能量,并构造特征向量,然后使用决策树策略对滚子链的状态进行判断。实验表明,通过小波包分解和决策树相结合的检测方法能够很好地识别滚子链的磨损状态。
中图分类号:TN911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0015-03
Research on Roller Chain State Detection Based onWavelet Packet Decomposition and Decision Tree
JING Tikai,MA Hao,HU Yaoguo
(School of Computer Science,Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710600,China)
Abstract:In this paper,a detection method based on wavelet packet decomposition and decision tree is proposed to detect the wear state of the roller chain. The method firstly uses wavelet packet theory to perform n(n=3) layer wavelet decomposition on the signal,extracts the wavelet coefficients,and solves the energy and structural feature vectors of each frequency band according to the coefficients,and then uses the decision tree strategy to judge the state of the roller chain. Experiments show that the detection method combined with wavelet packet decomposition and decision tree can well identify the wear state of the roller chain.
Keywords:state identification;wavelet packet;eigenvector;decision tree;roller chain
基金项目:2018 年大学生创新创业项目:滚子链状态监测研究(项目编号:201810709049)。
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