摘 要:现阶段,随着敏捷开发等软件编程方式的出现,为软件开发模式带来了新方式。本文根据以往工作经验,对软件测试变化流程和问题进行总结,并从测试策略及计划、测试设计和用例写作、测试的执行和测试的评估、运维问题反馈、测试管理系统的整体设计五方面,论述了测试流程设计和管理系统的实现方法。
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0025-02
Implementation Analysis of Test Process Design and Management System Based onAgile and Version Control
SUN Degang
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:At this stage,with the advent of software programming methods such as agile development,it has brought new ways to the software development model. Based on past work experience,this paper summarizes the software test change process and problems,and from five aspects of test strategy and planning,test design and use case writing,test execution and test evaluation,operation and maintenance problem feedback,and overall design of test management system. The implementation of the test process design and management system is discussed.
Keywords:agile development;version control;test process;management system
基金项目:本文系2017 年度山东省职业教育教学改革研究项目:基于应用型人才培养的翻转课堂教学模式研究——以软件工程课程为例(项目编号:2017304)的阶段性成果。
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