摘 要:本项目结合当前技术侦查对于监控图侦隐蔽部署、快速上案的应用需求,通过非标准视频协议中间件技术、视频接入网关技术、二次转码技术、流媒体汇聚技术研究,旨在构建一个公安监控图侦集控系统,实现对技侦破案过程中的监控资源最大限度地整合,为快速实现案件侦破助力。
中图分类号:TN948.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0027-02
Summary of Research Contents of Public Security Surveillance Map Detection andControl System
WEI Limei1,2,ZHANG Baofu1,2,DING Yangjun1,2
(1.The Third Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security,Shanghai 200031,China;2.Shanghai International Technology & Trade United Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200031,China)
Abstract:This project combines the current technical investigation needs for the detection and covert deployment of surveillance images and the rapid application of cases,through non-standard video protocol middleware technology,video access gateway technology,secondary transcoding technology,and streaming media convergence technology. The purpose is to build a public security surveillance chart detection control system to achieve the maximum integration of supervision and monitoring resources in the process of technical investigation and detection,and to facilitate the rapid realization of case detection.
Keywords:monitoring graph detection control;monitoring graph detection control system;entropy coding
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