摘 要:MIDI 作为一种通用的计算机音乐格式,指定了每个音符的音高、音长、音强、音色等信息,能被计算机理解和编辑。人类听众能听到MIDI 音乐,但无法像面对五线谱、简谱一样看到相应的“乐谱”。简谱因其简单而被广泛地应用于音乐标记,可明确地表征音高,但对音长和音强的描述不直观。五线谱主要针对音乐专业人士,普通大众不易入门和视唱。本文结合简谱与五线谱的优点,设计一种与MIDI 相对应的乐谱——鸟然谱,实现MIDI 音乐的可视化表征。
关键词:计算机音乐;MIDI 音乐可视化;表征谱
中图分类号:TN912.3;TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0005-03
Design of Visual Representation Spectrum for Computer Music
WEI Gang,CAO Yan,WANG Yige,ZHAO Mingjian
(South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China)
Abstract:MIDI,as a general music format for the computer music,specifies the pitch,duration,strength and timbre of each note and can be understood and edited by computers. Human listeners can hear MIDI music,but cannot see the corresponding “musical notation” as they can see the staff and numbered musical notation. The numbered musical notation is widely used in music marker because of its simplicity,which can clearly represent the pitch,but the description of the duration and strength is not intuitive. The staff notation is mainly for music professionals and it is not easy for the general people to get started and sight-sing. This paper combines the advantages of the numbered musical notation and the staff notation and designs a corresponding musical notation for MIDI——Kalaplay notation,which realizes the visualized representation of MIDI music.
Keywords:computer music;MIDI music visualization;representation notation
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