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(华南理工大学,广东 广州 510641)

摘  要:传统的钢琴训练方法及系统通常以心理学规律为设计原理,而伴随着脑科学的发展、可穿戴设备的普及以及脑机接口技术的逐渐成熟,设备和技术的成熟使得利用脑机装置采集生理数据辅助训练者进行训练成为可能。本文提出了一种通过脑机接口技术的辅助钢琴训练方法,主要功能包括音乐偏好测试部分和休息时间确定部分。这种钢琴训练方法通过脑电波数据的采集与集中处理,一方面能利用音乐推荐算法得出测试者的偏好音乐类型库,生成测试者的音乐偏好曲目,另一方面通过结合生理数据和心理学规律,确定具有最佳训练效率的训练和休息时长,并为训练者提供可以让其有效放松的音乐,帮助其消除疲劳,使其学习效率得到显著提升,从而帮助训练者更好地掌握技能。


中图分类号:TN911.6;TP274         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0008-03

A n A ssisted Piano Training M ethod Based on the C entralized Processing of Brain-C om puter D ata

NIE Wenfei,Guan Xixuan,WANG Yige,CAO Yan

(South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China)

Abstract:Traditional piano training methods and systems are usually based on psychological principles. With the development of brain science,the popularity of wearable devices and the gradual maturity of brain-computer interface technology,it is possible to use brain-computer devices to collect physiological data to assist in training. In this paper,an assisted piano training method through brain-computer interface technology is proposed. Its main functions include music preference test and rest time determination. Through the brainwave data acquisition and concentrated processing, this piano training method can on the one hand obtain music preference library of the trainer using music recommendation algorithms,and on the other hand,through the combination of physiological data and psychology rule,determine the training with the best efficiency and rest time,provide the trainer relaxing music to help them eliminate fatigue and significantly improve learning efficiency,so as to grasp skills better.

Keywords:piano training methods;brainwave data;music preference test


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