摘 要:本文以“中山手机台”新闻 APP 原名“中山新闻”APP 为例,基于用户体验后的反馈信息,从用户的角度和使用习惯做出分析和调研,结合新兴技术,制定可行性方案,最终对产品进行优化处理。对该 APP 优化处理前后关于用户体验反馈不同的方面进行对比分析和讨论。并对新闻类 APP 提供良好用户体验设计的新思路。
关键词:新闻类 APP;用户体验;APP 优化处理
中图分类号:TP393.092 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)14-0011-03
The Importance of Optimum Design Based on User Experience
——Take“Zhongshan Mobile Station” APP as an Example
MAI Canwei
(Zhongshan Radio and TV Station,Zhongshan 528400,China)
Abstract:This paper takes the original name of “Zhongshan News” APP of “Zhongshan Mobile Station” as an example,based on the feedback information after user experience,makes analysis and research from the user’s point of view and use habits,combines with emerging technologies,formulates feasible plans,and finally optimizes the products. The different aspects of user experience feedback before and after the optimization of APP are analyzed and discussed. It also provides a new idea of good user experience design for news APP.
Keywords:news APP;user experience;APP optimized processing
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