摘 要:目前民航各机场的气象信息主要以报文的方式提供给用户,无法结合地理信息向用户提供更加直观便捷的气象服务,本文基于Leaflet 库设计、开发Web 前端页面,结合地图信息将全球2800 余个机场的实时气象信息以天气图标的形式进行显示,实现了航空气象信息与时空信息在地图上的充分结合。与此同时系统通过快速缓存、分级显示等技术解决了前端页面大量数据频繁更新所带来的资源消耗问题,以较高的效率将信息实时提供给用户。
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0004-03
Design and Implementation of Civil Aviation Meteorological Information Visualization System Based on Leaflet
(Middle South Regional Air Traffic Management Bureau of Civil Aviation of China,Guangzhou 510080,China)
Abstract:At present,the meteorological information of civil aviation airports is mainly provided to users in the form of message,which can not provide more intuitive and convenient meteorological services to users in combination with geographical information. This paper designs and develops Web front-end pages based on Leaflet library,and displays real-time meteorological information of more than 2800 airports in the form of weather icons with map information,it realizes the full integration of aeronautical meteorological information and space-time information on maps. At the same time,the system solves the resource consumption problem caused by frequent updates of large amount of data on front-end pages through fast caching,hierarchical display and other technologies,so as to provide information to users in real time with high efficiency.
Keywords:meteorological information;map technology;Leaflet;visualization;hierarchical display
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