摘 要:本文先分析了基于文本格式的、与测试软件和测试硬件资源无关的开放性共享数据信息方法使用的ATML 标准及其背景,并简单介绍了构成ATML 标准的所有子组件信息,再分析了ATML 标准的子组件和自动测试系统相对应的引用关系及相关描述信息,最后提出了ATML 标准在自动测试系统中的应用,为自动测试系统的通用化、测试程序可移植性和测试资源信息的共享奠定了技术基础。
中图分类号:TP311.52 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0007-03
Application of ATML Standard in Automatic Test System
HUANG Xueming1,PAN Zengshou1,REN Dengjuan2
(1.Guangzhou Hangxin Aviation Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China;2.Guangzhou College of Technology and Business,Guangzhou 528138,China)
Abstract:This paper first analyzes the using text-based format has nothing to do with the test software and hardware resources of openness to share data information method of ATML standard and its background,and introduces the ATML national standard all subcomponents information,then analyzes the ATML standard components and automatic test system corresponding to the reference relationship and related description information,finally,the application of ATML standard in automatic test system is put forward,which lays a technical foundation for the generalization of automatic test system,the portability of test program and the sharing of test resource information.
Keywords:ATML;automatic test system;generalization;XML
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