摘 要:随着科学技术水平的不断提高,针对农村土地的调查也越来越多地使用高新技术手段。农村土地调查数据的建库工作是一项工程繁重的任务,需要调查的数据量非常大,并且数据更新频繁,会涉及到统计、影像、矢量等一些数据类型。怎样才能将不同类型且数目庞大的数据建成数据库,并保证数据安全、可靠,还要方便共享,成为了数据建库人员开展的工作重点内容。
中图分类号:F321.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)03-0014-02
Discussion on the Steps and Methods of Building Rural Land Survey Data
LIN Wei,DING Zhongjun
(Zhejiang Zhen Shan Polytron Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310000,China)
Abstract:With the continuous improvement of science and technology,more and more high-tech means are applied to the investigation of rural land. The construction of rural land survey data is a heavy task. The amount of data needed to be investigated is very large and the data are updated frequently,and some data types such as statistics,images and vectors will be involved. How to make the data of different types and a large number of data into the database,and ensure that the data is safe,reliable and easy to share,has become the focus of the work of the data building staff.
Keywords:rural land;survey data;database;steps and methods
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丁中军(1980.02-),男,汉族,浙江杭州人,经理,工程师。研究方向:GIS 应用。