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(厦门利德集团有限公司,福建 厦门 361000)

摘  要:现如今,计算机网络技术十分发达,给各个领域都带来了极大的便利,也应用于各种专业的教学中,其在电子信息工程教学中也提倡被采用。计算机网络技术在我国各行各业都起着重要的推动作用,给人们的生活也带来了更多的便利,目前在电子信息工程教学中大量应用了计算机网络技术,但仍然需要不断地完善和创新,才能在电子信息工程中发挥出计算机网络技术的最大优势。


中图分类号:TP393.09;TN0         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0023-02

Application of Computer Network Technology in Electronic Information Engineering

RUAN Gaoxiang

(Xiamen Lide Group Co.,Ltd.,Xiamen 361000,China)

Abstract:Nowadays,the development of computer network technology has brought great convenience to all fields,and it should also be used in the teaching of various specialties,it is also advocated to be adopted in the teaching of electronic information engineering.Computer network technology plays an important role in all walks of life in our country and brings more convenience to people’s lives. At present,computer network technology has been widely used in the teaching of electronic information engineering. However,it still needs continuous improvement and innovation in order to give full play to the greatest advantage of computer network technology in electronic information engineering.

Keywords:computer;network technology;electronic information engineering


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