摘 要:以数据驱动和PDCA 质量管理为基础,研究了数据驱动的PDCA 养老服务质量评价。本文以数据驱动理念为指导,研究了PDCA 质量管理过程中每一个阶段的工作任务;以天津市某一社区养老服务中心为例,根据天津市《居家养老社区服务规范》,研究了助餐服务的内容及质量要求,选择助餐服务中订餐服务过程为研究对象,进行数据驱动的PDCA 养老服务质量评价。结合数据驱动的PDCA 循环模型,制定了订餐服务质量评价指标体系和量化评分标准,确定了以全优服务为订餐服务的质量目标;以订餐服务过程所采集的质量数据为基础,通过数据处理、可视化显示和统计分析,研究了基于数据波动的个体客户、群体客户的服务质量评价,基于数据对比的同一服务质量评价和基于统计特征的服务质量评价。最后根据评价结果提出了改进和优化服务质量的建议。数据驱动的PDCA 养老服务质量评价为大数据时代服务业质量评价提供了一种新的思路。
中图分类号:TP306 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0001-07
Research on Elderly Care Quality Evaluation Based on Data-driven PDCA
CAO Haiqing,YAO Cuiyou,YANG Yanhong
(College of Management Engineering,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070,China)
Abstract:The elderly care quality evaluation based on data-driven PDCA is studied in the paper. Guided by the concept of datadriven,this paper studies the tasks of each stage in the process of PDCA quality management;taking a community-based elderly care service center in Tianjin as an example,according to the “Community Service Standard for Home-based Elderly Care”in Tianjin,it studies the content and quality requirements of the catering service,and chooses the catering service process in the catering service as the research object to carry out data-driven PDCA elderly care service quality evaluation. Combined with the PDCA cycle model driven by data, the evaluation index system and quantitative scoring standard for the quality of ordering service are established,and the quality objective of ordering service based on the all excellent service is determined. Based on the quality data collected in the process of ordering service,through data processing,visual display and statistical analysis,this paper studies the service quality evaluation of individual customers and group customers based on data fluctuation,the same service quality evaluation based on data comparison and the service quality evaluation based on statistical characteristics. Finally,according to the evaluation results,some suggestions are put forward to improve and optimize the service quality. The data-driven PDCA pension service quality evaluation provides a new idea for the service industry quality evaluation in the era of big data.
Keywords:data-driven;PDCA;service for the aged;service evaluation
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