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基于OpenStack 架构的运营商业务系统容器化研究与应用
(广东邮电职业技术学院,广东 广州 510630)

摘  要:随着通信业务的快速发展,运营商早已着眼于建立以客户为核心,以取得高质量的客户忠诚度为目标的企业发展策略。本课题的研究基于OpenStack 架构设计,并实现对容器化改造后的运营商业务系统的容器管理系统的搭建。本课题主要采用OpenStack 架构,搭建Kubernetes 集群,采用Docker 技术实现容器化改造,从而满足运营商对突发访问量的业务需求。容器化是一种轻量级的虚拟化方案。该方案不需要修改业务系统核心,主要通过Linux 内核的功能进行虚拟化,使所有容器在同一内核中运行。本文的容器化试点应用系统是广东联通手机营业厅,为广东联通客户提供查询、处理、营销等快速自助客户端软件。


中图分类号:TP393.09         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0001-07

Containerization Research and Application of Operating Business System Based on OpenStack Architecture

WANG Ying,ZOU Yirong,WU Jiayin

(Guangdong Vocational College of Post and Telecom,Guangzhou 510630,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of telecommunication business,operators have already begun to focus on establishing enterprise development strategies with customers as the core and high quality customer loyalty as the goal. The purpose of this research is to design and implement the container management system of the operator’s business system after container transformation based on OpenStack architecture. This topic mainly adopts OpenStack architecture,builds Kubernetes cluster,and adopts Docker technology to realize container transformation,so as to meet the business needs of operators for sudden traffic. Containerization is a lightweight virtualization scheme. This solution does not need to modify the business system core,mainly through the function of the Linux kernel to virtualize,so that all containers run in the same kernel. The container pilot application system in this paper is the mobile phone business hall of Guangdong Unicom,which provides fast self-service client software such as inquiry,processing and marketing for Guangdong Unicom customers.

Keywords:operator business system;Openstack;Kubernetes;containerization;container management system


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王颖(1963.11-), 男, 汉族, 河北唐山人,计算机科学与技术专业副教授,本科,研究方向:计算机网络、云计算技术与应用;

