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基于.NET 架构和C# 语言实现的学生选课管理系统
(韶关学院 信息科学与工程学院,广东 韶关 512005)

摘  要:在高等学校教务管理中,学生选课管理是一项重要的工作。本文根据高校学生选课管理的需求,使用.NET 架构和C# 语言实现了学生选课管理系统的搭建。经试用,该系统具有概念简单、易学易用的特点。另外,由于设计过程中的考虑较为周全,该系统健壮性较强,在数据库方面也具有较强的可移植性。该系统有一定的适用性和可用性。

关键词:学生选课;.NET 架构;数据库

中图分类号:TP311.1         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0008-04

Student Course Selection Management System Based on .NET Framework and C# Language

YANG Yunhai,ZHANG Fenfen

(School of Information Science and Engineering,Shaoguan University,Shaoguan 512005,China)

Abstract:In the educational administration of universities,the management for students to choose courses is an important work.According to the needs of college students course selection management,we use the .NET framework and C# language to realize the building of students’course selection management system. After test,the system showed the characteristic of simple,easy to learn and use. In addition,benefit from the comprehensive consideration in the design process,the system has strong robustness and portability in database. The system has certain applicability and usability.

Keywords:student course selection;.NET architecture;database


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