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(江苏省徐州经贸高等职业学校,江苏 徐州 221004)

摘  要:在线考试系统的算法主要体现在组卷设计模块当中,要实现自主组卷,并且组卷成功率高。生成的试卷在满足试卷的基本约束条件基础上,还要体现试卷的难度控制以及考试区分度。这就需要通过算法来进行设计实现。本文就多种算法进行对比,分析优劣,选取了遗传算法与蚁群算法混合优化,实现组卷设计模块。对两种算法实现在线考试组卷模块的思想和实现方法进行了详细阐述。


中图分类号:TP18;TP391.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0023-03

Research on the Design of Online Examination Paper by Mixing Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Algorithms

SU Nan

(Jiangsu Xuzhou Higher Vocational School of Economics & Trading,Xuzhou 221004,China)

Abstract:The algorithm of online examination system is mainly embodied in the design module of generating test papers. To achieve self-generating test papers,and the success rate of generating test papers is high. On the basis of satisfying the basic constraints of the test paper,the generated test paper should also reflect the difficulty control and the test discrimination. This requires the design and implementation of the algorithm. This paper compares several algorithms,analyses their advantages and disadvantages,and chooses the hybrid optimization of genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm to realize the test paper design module. This paper elaborates on the idea and implementation method of two algorithms to realize online examination paper module.

Keywords:stochastic algorithm;genetic algorithm;ant colony algorithm;workflow;discrimination


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