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基于云平台的高粘合度人群特产推广APP 平台的研究与实现
(广东科学技术职业学院 计算机工程技术学院,广东 珠海 519090)

摘  要:在“互联网+”“云平台”“大众创业”的时代背景下,为了更好地促进家乡特产的推广,节约流通成本,促进互联网与传统行业的深度融合,创造新的发展生态,本文拟研究一款基于云平台的高粘合度人群特产推广APP 平台,该平台主要有商品展示、订单管理、品品之旅、你品我荐、用户管理等功能,重在商品的筛选与展示,服务粘性忠诚度极高的“达人- 用户”群体,形成垂直销售的价值洼地,是一种适合于年轻人的新型创新创业模式。

关键词:云平台;APP 平台;特产推广

中图分类号:TP391;TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0020-03

Research and Implementation of APP Platform for Population Special Products Promotion Based on Cloud Platform

DANG Dandan,CHEN Jiancong

(School of Computer Engineering Technology,Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology,Zhuhai 519090,China)

Abstract:In the era of “internet plus”,“cloud platform”and“mass entrepreneurship”,in order to better promote the promotion of home products,save circulation costs,promote the deep integration of the internet and traditional industries,and create new development ecology,this paper intends to study an APP platform based on cloud platform for the promotion of high cohesion crowd specialties. The platform mainly has the functions of commodity display,order management,product travel,recommendation and user management. It focuses on the selection and display of commodities,service stickiness and loyalty of the“up-to-date-users”group,forming the value depression of vertical sales,which is a new innovation and entrepreneurship model suitable for young people.

Keywords:cloud platform;APP platform;specialty promotion



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