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基于SSM 框架的高校学生平时成绩管理系统的 设计与实现
(1. 青岛工学院,山东 青岛 266300,2. 华北理工大学,河北 唐山 063210)

摘  要:目前很多高校的学生平时成绩管理都是靠手工进行,大量的成绩信息需要通过教师手工录入和统计,这种管理手段存在查询速度慢和容易出错的缺点,已经不能适应时代的发展,因此高校应用一套完善的高校学生平时成绩管理系统是很有必要的。本系统基于Bootstrap 框架和SSM 框架实现,以高校教师和学生对平时成绩管理的功能需求为出发点,共设置了管理员、教师、教研室主任和学生四个角色,设计了一款基于Web 端的操作简单、界面简洁、实用的高校学生平时成绩管理系统。

关键词:平时成绩管理;Bootstrap 框架;SSM 框架;量化指标;数据分析

中图分类号:TP311.52          文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0017-03

The Design and Implementation of the Score Management System Based on SSM

GUO Yuzhi1,ZHOU Taiyu2

(1.Qingdao Institute of Technology,Qingdao 266300,China;2.North China University of Science and Technology,Tangshan 063210,China)

Abstract:At present,many college students’usual performance management is carried out by hand. A large amount of performance information needs to be entered and counted manually by teachers. This management method has the disadvantages of slow query speed and easy to make mistakes,which can not adapt to the development of the times. Therefore,it is necessary for colleges and universities to apply a set of perfect college students’usual performance management system. This system is based on Bootstrap framework and SSM framework. It sets four roles of administrator,teacher,director of teaching and research section and student as the starting point,and designs a simple,simple and practical performance management system based on Web.

Keywords:peacetime performance management;Bootstrap framework;SSM framework;quantitative indicators;data analysis

基金项目:山东省高校科技计划项目:私有云平台文件管理中间件研究(项目编号:J15LN83);山东省教育教学改革项目:泛在学习环境下微课的学习模式与实践研究- 以软件工程专业为例(项目编号:2015M080)。


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