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基于Spring Boot 框架的电子评标系统的设计与实现
(四川大学华西第二医院,四川 成都 610041)

摘  要:为了提高医院行政人员竞标工作的工作效率以及统计信息的精准度,同时响应医院信息化建设的方针,本文实现了使用Spring Boot 框架开发的电子评标系统。医院行政人员可以通过该系统完成竞标信息录入、专家打分录入、竞标得分计算、历史评标记录查询等功能,完全替代传统纸质表格的登记与统计工作,大幅度缩短了评标工作的周期,减少了评标工作的出错率。

关键词:电子评标系统;Spring Boot;得分计算

中图分类号:TP311.52         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0015-03

Design and Implementation of Electronic Bid Evaluation System Based on Spring Boot Framework

HAN Zhonghao,WANG Ziming

(West China Second University Hospital,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041,China)

Abstract:In order to improve the working efficiency of hospital administrative staff bidding and the accuracy of statistical information,in response to the guidelines of hospital information construction,the electronic bid evaluation system developed by using Spring Boot framework was realized. Hospital administrators can complete bidding information entry,expert scoring entry,bidding score calculation,historical bid evaluation record inquiry and other functions through this system,which completely replaces the registration and statistics of traditional paper forms,greatly shortens the period of bid evaluation,and reduces the error rate of bid evaluation.

Keywords:electronic bid evaluation system;Spring Boot;score calculation


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