摘 要:随着信息技术的不断发展,文章设计出在线测评系统,以代替教师的部分工作,减轻教师的负担,同时提高工作的效率,改善学生的考试质量,学生可以在最短时间内得到考试结果的反馈,而且网上考试这种方式也更加合理与客观,对于推动现代教育的发展有着非常重要的意义。此在线测评系统,基于B/S 模式运用JSP+MySQL+SSM 架构实现。支持学生、教师及 管理员的登录及相关操作。学生可自行注册,并以班级的形式管理,可参加考试、查看考试成绩、查看历史考卷等操作;教师由管理员进行添加,主要完成管理试卷、管理试题等一些与考试相关的操作;管理员具有最高的权限,可以管理教师、学生的信息,同时也可以与教师一样进行与考试相关的操作。
中图分类号:TP311.5;TP319 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0001-03
Design and Implementation of Final Online Evaluation System
LIU Xinyu1,YI Leixiang1,XIAO Binbin2,ZHAO Junxia1
(1.College of Computer Science and Technology,Hengyang Normal University,Hengyang 421002,China;2.Loudi Power Supply Branch of State Grid Hunan Electric Power Co.,Ltd.,Loudi 417000,China)
Abstract:With the continuous development of information technology,the online evaluation system has been designed to replace some of the teachers’work,which has reduced the burden on teachers,improved the efficiency of the work,and improved the quality of the students’examinations,students can get the feedback of the test results in the shortest time,and the online examination method is more reasonable and objective,it is of great significance to promote the development of modern education. This online evaluation system is based on the B/S mode using JSP+MySQL+SSM architecture. Support the login and related actions of students,teachers and administrators. Students can register themselves,and in the form of class management,you can refer to the test,check the test results,check the historical examination papers and other operations;the teacher has the administrator to add,mainly complete the test paper management,test questions management,such as some of the examination-related operations. Administrators have the highest permissions to manage the information of teachers and students. It is also possible to conduct an exam-related operation like a teacher.
Keywords:online evaluation system;JSP;SSM
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