摘 要:基站选址的规划,因其能够提高通信服务质量和降低新建基站成本而一直是学术界和业界关注的问题。文章综合分析了基站选址问题的目标、原则、方法和求解面临的困难,结合遗传算法和人工免疫算法的优点,建立了基站选址的数学模型。为避免遗传算法的“早熟”,在遗传算法中加入免疫的因素,仿真结果表明,该模型算法具有很快的收敛速度,在某一区域内需求已知的条件下可以提供一种有效的基站选址方案。
中图分类号:TN929.5;TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0004-03
Location Planning of 5G Base Station Based on Immune Genetic Algorithm
XIE Xukai1,CHENG Songlin2
(1.School of Electronic Information Engineering,Shanghai Dianji University,Shanghai 201306,China;2.School of Arts and Science,Shanghai Dianji University,Shanghai 201306,China)
Abstract:The planning of base station location,because it can improve the quality of communication service and reduce the cost of new base station,has been the focus of academia and industry. In this paper,the goal,principle,method and the difficulty of solving the location problem of base station are analyzed synthetically. Combining the advantages of genetic algorithm and artificial immune algorithm,the mathematical model of location problem of base station is established. In order to avoid the “precocity” of genetic algorithm,the immune factor is added to the genetic algorithm. The simulation results show that the model algorithm has a fast convergence speed,and can provide an effective base station location scheme when the demand in a certain area is known.
Keywords:genetic algorithm;immune algorithm;base station location
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